With the eyes of a doe and the body of a swimsuit model, the Whippet is among the fastest and most graceful of all dogs.


The Whippet originated in the 1700s from crosses of Greyhounds to smaller ratting terriers. Peasants used them for rabbit poaching and later, sprint races. The latter earned the name of "poor man's Greyhound."

The breed's name may be derived from the Middle English "whippen" meaning "to whip," which can in turn mean to move quickly or nimbly.

Despite their extreme speed, Whippets are generally quiet around the house. They are the most obedient of the sighthounds (the family of Greyhound-like dogs). They are extremely toy oriented, but tend to be fairly kind to their toys.


Whippet upkeep is easy. They're not prone to joint problems and don't tend to become obese. A few are prone to gas and digestive upsets, so consider adding am anti-gas pill and probiotic to their diet.

The coat requires weekly brushing to remove dead hair. A good all-purpose shampoo should suffice; for an extra sparkle, consider a whitening or color enhancing shampoo.

Brush the teeth daily. Whippets have a slight tendency to develop a lot of tartar quickly.

Clip the nails every two weeks or so using a medium -duty dog nail clipper.

Whippets hate the cold, so be sure to have a coat for cold weather.

Sometimes age-related arthritic changes make it tough. Besides any intervention recommended by your veterinarian, a soft cushion to lie on--as though he wasn't already insisting on one.–and glucosamine chondroitin supplements added to the diet can help soothe aching joints, and keep him on his toes.